附:银行板块选股技巧2019年上市银行的利润增速再上一个台阶,前三季度上市银行归母净利润同比增长 6.79%,累计利润增速创下近五年来的新高。预计2020年上市银行将“量增价减”,资产提速息差收窄,但是非息业务收入和拨备反哺将保持利润增速稳中向好,预计全年归母净利润同比增速稳中微升到7.58%。2019年增长领先的主要是零售逻辑的个股,最突出的特点就是零售银行的估值溢价扩大化。通过PB-ROE图线和盈利的杜邦分析,今年小微零售银行估值中枢提升的关键在于预期信贷成本下降,辅助因素在于净息差的稳定提升。资本市场赋予零售银行更高的估值是对零售业务的高收益低风险特性的认可。把握住零售银行,实际是把握住在经济下行期的优质核心资产。机构建议2020年对银行股的投资策略分为主线和副线两个部分,主线长逻辑仍然是把握住零售银行(投资副线是抓银行的波段性估值修复空间)。零售银行凭借着稳定的业绩增长,预期基本面和估值的竞争力还会不断提高。重点关注零售银行的代表:招商银行、平安银行、兴业银行、宁波银行、浦发银行、邮储银行、常熟银行(零售业务的龙头标的,资管业务迎来新发展的招商银行;零售业务实现造血功能,从消费向私行挺进的平安银行;以商行+投行为特色,资管业务具备发展优势的兴业银行;扎根浙江深耕小微,资产质量优异的宁波银行;存量风险包袱出清,新管理层上任,零售快速发展的浦发银行;覆盖广阔的县域地区,拥有充裕的零售客户和客户结构下沉空间的邮储银行;小微金融特色显著,具备资产扩张空间的常熟银行)。
翠西⋅里根: 等一下刘欣,你让我说完,你们的经济体系,是挺有意思的,你们有一个资本主义的体系,但是受国家控制的。跟我们聊一聊这方面,你是如何定义的?Liu Xin: We would like to define it as socialism with Chinese characteristics, where market forces are expected to play the dominating or the deciding role in the allocation of resources. Basically, we want it to be a market economy but there are some Chinese characteristics, for instance some state owned enterprises which are playing an important but increasingly smaller role, maybe, in the economy. And everybody thinks that China‘s economy is state-owned, everything is state-controlled, everything is state, state, state, but let me tell you, it is not the true picture. If you look at the statistics, for instance 80% of Chinese employees were employed by private enterprises, 80% of Chinese exports were done by private companies, 65% of technological innovation were achieved, carried out, by private enterprises, some of the largest companies that affect our lives, for instance some Internet companies or some 5G technology companies, they are private companies. So we are, yes, a socialist economy with Chinese characteristics, but not everything is state-controlled, state-run, it’s not like that, we are actually quite mixed, very dynamic and actually very very open as well.
Trish Regan: You mentioned something pretty important, which is that you should pay for the acquisition of that (IP). I think that the liberalized economic world in which we live has valued intellectual property and it‘s governed by a set of laws. So we all need to play by the rules and play by those laws if we’re going to have that kind of trust between each other. But I think you bring up some good points. Let me turn to China right now which is, wow, the second largest economy. At what point will China decide to abandon its developing nation status and stop borrowing from the World Bank?